Ready to start in Private Practice?
You’ve finished your training and have your qualification or maybe you’ve worked in an agency with all the support that offers. However, now you want to go it ALONE!
What if you could have someone walk alongside you during the first few months?
A mentor who could advise you on the tricky things. How to find clients, write your directory listings, and the best way to respond to client enquiries. Help you decide your fees, how many clients to see, where to work. Support you with the admin involved in setting up.
I have been where you are now! Here’s what I can offer

My private practice is thriving, with individual and corporate clients and I offer teenagers therapy in a local school. I use my qualification to teach counselling skills, hold webinars, get involved in peer supervision. All of these roles add to the variety of my day and bring their own rewards.
My aim is to support others to make the move into private practice too.
Debbie Livermore Training and Mentoring
Setting up in Private Practice needn’t be overwhelming.